Foundation Programs
Find An EMDR Therapist™
EMDRIA™ has more than 15,000 members trained to provide EMDR therapy. The "Find an EMDR Therapist Directory™" is an up-to-date resource to find EMDRIA™ members providing EMDR therapy in your area. The directory includes searches by location, name, and other criteria.
Diversity Initiative
The goal of this EMDRIA Foundation program is to increase the number of Black, Indigenous people of color (BIPOC) individuals who have advanced in leadership capacity in EMDR by becoming certified or approved consultants.
The Future of EMDR
The Future of EMDR Therapy (FOET) is the joined effort of representatives from many countries world-wide. Comprised of an intellectual community of thought-leaders and curated body of knowledge, it defines the current status, challenges, opportunities, and needs for the EMDR community and EMDR therapy.